Ffmpeg rtsp h264 to mp4 c++
Ffmpeg rtsp h264 to mp4 c++

This also happens in "C", but in "C" I can just "grep" the keyword and immediately know where it comes from. All big "C++" projects I have worked on (except for one) were horrendous. All code bases maintained by more than one single developer (no matter the language it is written in) become rotten with time but, from my experience, the larger the amount of features a language has, the worst this becomes. It is fast to compile, fast to run and available everywhere.

ffmpeg rtsp h264 to mp4 c++

"C" is very easy to learn and not that hard to master. "C" is the perfect language to learn and have fun with the underlying architecture. The compiler is a dead simple translator who doesn't play funny tricks behind my back. When I write "C" I know exactly what is going on with each of my CPU cycles and where my variables are being allocated. "C" *should* be the first language programmers learn when they get serious (ex: first year computer science classes).

ffmpeg rtsp h264 to mp4 c++

"C" is glorified assembly and learning assembly is *fundamental* to understand how computers work. don't even know how to start answering this.

Ffmpeg rtsp h264 to mp4 c++